Welcome to Sonia Sarina Birrer! In this introduction video, you’ll learn about how I specialize in transformative coaching, channeling, and past life regression therapy. My unique approach combines traditional therapeutic techniques with spiritual insights to help you connect with your higher self and achieve personal growth.

Step into your best life today

Transform your life with a personalised one-on-one program, designed to lead you toward clarity, emotional equilibrium, and profound personal evolution. Engage in weekly channeling sessions, benefit from unlimited support, and explore holistic healing practices that address deep-seated issues and empower you to break free from past patterns.
Sonia’s personalized programs help you break free from past patterns and discover your true purpose.
As an experienced therapist, she offers a joyful approach to reconnect you with your Higher Self.
Join Sonia online from anywhere and embark on a journey of empowerment and fulfillment!

Unlock Your True Purpose With Sonia’s 1:1 Programs

Soul Connection

Inner Guidance for Personal Growth
Connect with your Higher Self for clarity, emotional balance, and personal growth. This 12-week program includes weekly channeling sessions, unlimited support, goal setting, and practical guidance. Perfect for those looking to overcome obstacles, manage life changes, and find their true purpose. Transform your life with personalized spiritual insights and actionable steps.

  • weekly 60 mins sessions

  • unlimited WhatsApp support

  • personal goal setting

  • guided self-inquriy

  • emotional balance & energy alignment

Deep Trans-formation

Profound Personal Change
Uncover and address the deeper issues affecting your life. This 12-week program includes weekly channeling sessions, unlimited support, and three intensive transformation sessions. Ideal for those seeking fulfillment and committed to breaking free from past patterns, this package offers guidance towards profound personal change and embracing a more authentic, empowered version of yourself.

  • weekly 60mins sessions

  • three 3 hours transformation sessions

  • unlimited WhatsApp support

  • personal goal setting

  • guided self-inquiry

Elevated Life Path

Life Between Lives Regression
Uncover your true purpose in this 4-week program. In this journey of self-discovery you are guided through subconscious realms with weekly soul journey sessions culminating in a pivotal between lives spiritual regression. Ideal for those seeking clarity and connection, this program offers transformational insights of your soul's journey, leading you to embrace your authentic soul path in this lifetime.

  • Week 1 & 2: one 90 mins soul journey each week

  • Week 3: preparation session
    (2-5 - 3 hours)

  • Week 4: Between Lives Spiritual Regression

Single Sessions and Add-ons

  • Heal at the source of an issue

    Past Life and Regression Therapy is probably one of the most effective and shortest therapies for current life emotional and energetic issues, which may have their origin beyond this incarnation.
    Past Life and Regression Therapy has one aim only - to get to the source of the problem and transform and heal completely. This can be a current life childhood trauma, a stressful experiences in the womb, a difficult birth or all the way back to an unresolved traumatic event from a past life. READ MORE

  • Explore a positive past life of yours!

    During a guided Soul Journey you access the subconscious memories of your past lives through a light hypnotic trance.
    During 1.5 hours you get to explore one relevant past life of yours including death point and the entry to the spirit realms.
    Unlike therapy, in a past life soul journey, there is no focus on going into and transforming trauma. The intent with a past life soul journey, is to visit a positive past life, with the gift to bring back resources that are dormant within you in the here and now. Sonia always works with the client’s Higher Self, asking for an empowering and meaningful journey for the client’s everyday life in the now.The now is the only moment that matters, always! READ MORE

  • Experience a powerful connection with your Higher Self for clarity and guidance. This single session includes channeled insights, practical advice, and personalized strategies to address your current challenges. Ideal for those seeking immediate direction on specific issues, life transitions, or personal growth. Gain valuable spiritual insights to transform your perspective and take purposeful action. BOOK HERE

  • This session is best booked as an add-on to a past life regression therapy or a Conversation with your Higher Self session. The energy alignment is different from traditional energy healing, as it puts the focus on empowering your own healing and creator powers. I support your process with a tool called "Advanced Vibrational Technique", which uses high frequencies to facilitate a shift in your energy field. BOOK HERE

  • A spirit release session can be booked individually; however, it is often recommended to combine it with an energy alignment, past life regression, or conversation with your Higher Self session for enhanced results. During the spirit release session, we will meet online via Zoom or on a WhatsApp Call for half an hour, where I will assist in releasing intrusive energies on your behalf. BOOK HERE

Welcome to a journey of reconnection with Sonia Sarina Birrer, an accredited therapist and transformational coach specializing n channeling, past life regression therapy, and holistic healing, guiding clients to rediscover their higher self.

Welcome to a Journey of Reconnection!

I’m Sonia Sarina Birrer, and my life has been an exciting journey of self-discovery and transformation. With a deep passion for guiding others, I offer my expertise as a Past Life and Regression Therapist, Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach, and Hypnotherapist.

My focus is on helping you reconnect with your true self. Together, we’ll embrace your soul’s unique path. Each session is designed to support your unique journey, available in English, Swiss German, German, and French.

Discover the joy of embracing your true essence and reconnecting with your Higher Self. Join me on this inspiring journey of transformational emotional healing and spiritual growth!

In-Depth With Sonia Sarina Birrer

Interview with Sonia Sarina Birrer | Psychic Reading: Insight to The Higher Self Connection

Interview with Sonia Sarina Birrer | What is your story? How did you become a Regression Therapist?

Interview mit Sonia Sarina Birrer | Wie ist es, in vergangene Leben von anderen Menschen zu blicken?

Interview with Sonia Sarina Birrer | Death, transformation, past life and regression therapy and life between lives regression.

Relevant Credentials

Sonia trained with the Past Life Regression Academy®, which is accredited by the International Board of Regression Therapy, validated by the General Hypnosis Standards Council, a recognised school of the Earth Association of Regression Therapy and the recognised school of the Spiritual Regression Association. Sonia is furthermore a council member of the Spiritual Regression Association and a recognized Past Life Regression Academy® supervisor for Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist Training.

Transform Your Life

Inspiring Client Journeys ...

Discover Their Testimonials

  • I did a regression therapy session in January (2021) with Sonia to deal with traumas and fears I carried my whole life and the single session I did was tremendously helpful to overcome these heavy things. Sonia is one of the kindest persons I know."

    Charles Mittempergher

  • "I loved my experience with Sonia, she’s a beautiful soul. My past life regression was very moving and has made me want to delve deeper!"

  • "I had a deeply beautiful experience where I received answers and messages that I had not expected to get. I can 100% recommend this to anyone reading this, you are here for a reason! Thank you Sonia."

Professional portrait of Sonia Sarina Bi, an accredited therapist and transformational coach specializing in channeling, past life regression therapy, and personal growth, helping clients connect with their higher self for profound emotional healing.

“The world is undergoing significant energetic transformations, bringing about new beginnings, growth, and changes. This is a time of exciting opportunities and soul evolution. I offer guidance and support to help you attune to the new frequencies by attuning to your Higher Self, fostering inner development and expansion. By engaging with my services, you will release old patterns, clear and activate your light codes, and access subconscious memories. You'll heal past traumas, experience healing on a deeper level, and discover your soul purpose. My offerings encourage you to reclaim your personal power, embrace your full creator potential, and find peace and acceptance within yourself.”

Journeys Of The Mind And Spirit