The Energy of Money

Let’s talk about money. Yes. Money. Why am I not starting with abundance you may ask? Somehow the two go together, yet they don’t. So let me explain…

First of all, I don’t feel like I am an expert in this subject. Money is such a vast concept and there is so much to understand about it, that one can never say he or she has figured it all out. Or maybe it is much simpler than we think after all… Maybe I am not as a novice as I think I am, neither. Let’s see.

Ever since I first set steps as being self-employed, money has somewhat been the centre point of my focus. And it probably is for everyone who decides to quit the familiar world of having a safe income, week after week or month after month. Being employed has its disadvantages but one of the “safe” advantages, is a regular income. Once you are self-employed, the regular income is THE main thing that falls away. At least at the beginning. And the beginning can stretch itself out and can be very long. Anyone who has ever started this path and started something new, started to be independent in a craft that they haven’t offered to the world before, knows how scary and uncertain that idea of accomplishing a monetary income is. So whether we want it or not, whether we pay attention or not, money suddenly becomes a centre point of our attention. And it deserves so.

The fear that comes with it, the uncertainty and the feeling of scarcity, is what is wrong with the focus on money. Many of us have gone through this process of letting go of the fear of lack or are still going through it, are still prisoners of the scarcity concept (or you may call it “reality” or rationality”).
Understanding the energy of money, fully understanding it, took me years. And every time I thought – “now I have got it figured out”, something new presented itself to me. I wanted to think of myself of not being in the scarcity mindset and I wanted to think of myself of not having fear of not earning enough money. But deep down, I was.
As many of you can relate, the belief systems we inherit from our upbringing, from society and culture are very deeply rooted. When it comes to money, they are very restricting and not positive at all. Hence those thoughts are very well hidden away in our unconscious mind, ready to act on us but not so easily ready to be looked at or questioned. The negative impact on us can be felt physically and emotionally and is the ONE thing that blocks the flow of energy around abundance the most. The negative impact of these limiting belief systems is not necessairly seen in the money flow, it is an energetic block in abundance. We can have a huge income of money (suddenly or we worked hard for it) but the abundance does not come with the money if we haven’t fully let go of the underlying belief systems and fully understood the energy of money (and abundance). On the other hand, we can have certain streams of abundance but no monetary income and not fully understanding either of them. Again, the underlying belief systems we have around money are blocking us. There is a complete different essay to write about those belief systems and how to release them, which I will not go into depth here, as the juciy part today is: the energy of money.

So let me take you with me on a journey of exploring the energy of money. Let’s have a look what money really is and what it isn’t. And then, we need to talk about abundance. As you are reading through this, you might suddenly become aware of some of your belief systems, which is then a chance to release those - on the spot, immediately! You might already be aware of them now. If they present themselves to you, allow them the space they need, write them down, take note, let them “be”. In order to question them, we first need to give them a seat on the table. Once they become FULLY aware, the process of letting go has already begun.

But back to the energy of money…. What is it?

I want to present you with a bold statement: money can not be earned and it can not be spent. Have you ever pondered on that thought? Do it now.

What happens when you say this out loud? Does it make sense?

This statement is my very shortest summary I can give you, that relates to the full understanding of what money really is. You may be able to feel it just as you are reading the phrase, but intellectually it may not make sense (and it may never makes sense). Honestly, my rational mind has many ideas and thoughts that would negate the above statement. Logically it makes no sense. But energetically it is very accurate.

I was listening to a talk by someone who channels a higher frequency ET being. And it was a phrase that made both the speaker and the interviewer laugh and lightened up a spark of understanding within me: You can never lack trust or confidence or abundance. If you say “I lack confidence” you are very confident about that statement. If you say “I don’t trust” you do trust in the fact that you don’t trust and if you say “I lack abundance” you have an abundance of lack.

An abundance of lack…. I think it was that last phrase that made me stop the recording and feel inside of me. An abundance of lack. And I laughed.

He went on to explain that we never lack anything, it is just a question of where we put our priority, where we decide to put our trust, confidence, abundance – you name it. Everything is always there and -  my most favorite quote by myself: everything we ever need (to know) is already within us. We are everything and have everything. We are part of creation and creation is all. Everything, the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, it is all within us. The lack and the abundance is equally present. Where we put the “lack” and where we put the “abundance” is COMPLETELY and fully up to us.

If you read this and you realise, like I did, you have an abundance of lack, don’t blame yourself – be aware and conscious and NOW you can shift this. When you fully understand the creator that you are, you can shift anything. Energetically, everything is mutable.

And with that word, I just made the introduction to what the energy of money is – mutable. I guess I also just did the whole essay – as that’s the secret (it is not even a secret): The energy of money is mutable. That’s it. And only that.

But let’s get a little deeper into this. For a moment, see if you can feel into this, maybe you can create a visual for yourself as we go along. We are going to start with the most obvious – a transaction of money: you have to buy food. We need food to nourish our physical bodies for us to keep this vessel alive, I guess we can all agree on that (let’s not go into the pranic eating theory for now, let’s stay “mundane human”, ok? :). I would like you to imagine yourself in a shop or take-away and you have just chosen your lunch. It is lunchtime and you are hungry and on the go. You need the food, you need to eat. You are going to the till and with your money, you pay for the food. You leave and sit down on a park bench and start eating. Your belly fills up, your mind calms down, hunger is gone, you are satisfied.

What has just happened? You have filled your physical body with food and gained a transformed feeling. You have energy again and are ready to proceed with your day.

And what was the role of money in this equation? Money enabled you to buy the food, Yes, yes that’s the logical mind speaking, and it is right, money has “paid” for it. I would like you to feel into this on a wider perspective, allow your logical mind for a moment to be satisfied with whatever explanation it came up with and go higher up, so to speak, think “energetically”. Money has transmuted itself into food, which has then transmuted itself into nourishment for your body, which has then transmuted itself into energy for your day ahead. Read it again.

The process hasn’t stopped there – we can go on and on and on – and that’s the point – let’s just go on for a little while here – let’s say you are a gardener on your short break. So now, as you have eaten and have energy again, you go back to your job and you perform a service (we can go forever and ever with this theory and talk about what has changed in that garden and for whom, as every step of every action transmutes something else) but let’s just say – you have performed a service and you are now “being paid” for it (remember: the money of whoever pays you has for their perspective just transmuted itself in a nicely kept garden). For YOU, your service has transmuted itself into money AND the money will continue to transmute itself again into whatever you chose to let it transmute itself into. Unless you throw money aimlessly on the ground, you can not spend it. There is always a transmutation. Yes, even if you throw it into one of these wish fountains, as you are transmuting it into faith and hope for your prayers to become true.

Money is mutable. That’s the energy of money. Once you have fully understood this, you will give handling and receiving money a completely different vibration. You understand that you are no longer earning it (and how many belief systems are in just that one phrase “I need to earn it?”), you are converting something in your life into money and money into something in your life – money is a temporary means of storage that is malleable and changeable and has no substance in itself only the ability to transform itself into another form. Storing money makes no more sense, losing money has no more credibility, lacking money gets a completely new dimension.

I am sure by now you can tell, this subject can go on forever. A whole life lesson can be built around just this – the understanding and use of what we call money. In some way, this can be an introduction to the energetic world, to the metaphysical world and to the quantum physical world. Everything is energy and only energy. Energy constantly flows and changes and money is a manifestation of one aspect of an energy and that energy is mutable.

I invite you to apply this into your practical world. The next time you are going to buy something, why not go with the intention that you are converting “your” money into that which you buy? And truly feel and see it as a transmutation, a change of matter. Maybe go as far as not seeing it as “your” money but a temporary form of stored energy that is about to take a different shape again.

Now ABUNDANCE is a completely different subject. It almost deserves its own essay but for now, to finish off the energy of money – let’s just stick to this: abundance of the mutable storage, which we call money, is only one aspect of abundance. There is many different streams of abundance and there is a difference between “having abundance” and “feeling abundant”. Further, abundance can show itself in a positive and negative way – as I mentioned at the beginning, having an abundance of lack is also a form of abundance. Energetically, abundance has a very different form than money. Money is a mutable, never ending, not constant energy. Abundance is an expansive, never ending but constant energy. I will leave it at this for the moment and am happy to share more about abundance at a later point.

Enjoy applying what you got from reading this (or not, up to you).



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