We need to learn to feel again…

We need to learn to feel again. To break open. Go deep down into the shit. It is not about identifying with the negative – it is about giving it the space it deserves, let it be felt and get into the space of the observer – see the feeling/emotion from a neutral state and just let it be.

We are so closed down, so attached to the positive, to abundance and light working, that we deny our very human being, our manifestation that is always black and white. 

No matter how awakened you are, the negative feelings will always be present. What you do with them is different. A feeling that arises doesn’t have to dictate our emotional state for the rest of the day. It can be just that – a feeling. Say for example anger. Anger arises. Let it be just that, anger. Feel it in your body. Watch your mind making up scenarios on how to act. Watch your emotions clinging to the anger. Watch it, feel it, breath through it, let go.

It really is that simple – but we have forgotten and are no longer allowed to feel negative feelings. As soon as they arise, we try to shut them down. We suppress them immediately, looking for either someone or something outside of us to blame or we are looking inside of us to blame and thus fix ourselves or we go into „positive thinking“ mode and try to think away what we are just feeling – suppressing that feeling completely.

A suppressed feeling is always present. It is the shark under water. Sometimes you can see the finn on the surface just before it dives back down again or just before it attacks. Every decision you take with a shark in the water, is influenced by this shark. Every feeling that you  have suppressed and was/is not allowed to have a space, restricts you in your power and your freedom. Everything you manifest from that state, will carry those suppressed feelings with it and thus is simply leading to yet another situation, where those feelings are trying to have a space.

Give them the space! FEEL what is hidden underneath. You don’t need to define yourself with that feeling. Actually the key is not to define yourself with anything, neither negative nor positive feelings. But more to that another time.

We are naturally scared and in fear of becoming and staying that negative person, if we allow the negative to surface. I commonly see two tactics: the always positive person and the always negative person. Both have the same issue of suppressed feelings – one doesn’t feel them and only sees and talks positive all the time and the other doesn’t feel them and blames everything and everyone all the time, being negative 100% - completely identified with the feeling as a tactic to not feel it.

A negative emotions that has space to arise from the dark is truly transforming. Our negative emotions are just as much the portals to true awakening as are our truly positive feelings. Not to clinch to either is the key. As soon as we are trying to hold on, we have lost the chance to enter that portal. 

We have very much lost the ability to be open with ourselves. Society dictates us – and we follow it – how to show up, what to feel, what not to feel. We are hungry to be accepted by everyone else – but don’t accept ourselves anymore.

We have no clue how to feel and how to transform a strong feeling into a state of awakeness. There are techniques that I would like to share with you, that may help you reconnect with yourself. They may help. I can’t promise. You have to do the work yourself.

We have to cut the bullshit. We have to let go of clinching to pain. We also have to let go of addictions that tranquilise us and make it impossible to feel. Television. Movies. Drugs. Alcohol. Adrenaline Rush. Being busy all the time. The list is endless. Start with honestly writing down your techniques of how to keep yourself away from yourself. Is it being busy? Being sick? Is it more obvious like smoking weed every single day after work or have your 1-2 beers every evening. Harder drugs? Sex? Be honest with yourself – what is it, that you use to distract yourself from the present moment, from yourself, from feeling?

Once you have those techniques, start to notice them. Start to become aware of the situations that require you to shut down. Start to breath in those situations. Just consciously breath. Count your breath. Feel it going deep down into your belly and back up. Don’t do anything else. Don’t deny yourself anything. Don’t try to change yet. Simply observe and breath.

See if slowly you start to notice the feelings around this situation. Start to notice the feelings when they come up and then breath into them. Count your breath. Feel it. Observe your mind. What is it telling you? Where are the thoughts going? What are you creating in your mind and how does it make you feel?

Mantra Exercise to awaken to feeling

As I am starting this day, I am taking a minute to consciously connect with my inner energetic world. I bring my attention inwards and feel my body.
I feel the energy pulsating it. I feel the warmth and the cold. I feel the heartbeat. The little pains. I pay attention to everything and like a warm river I flow through my body, bringing to my awareness what it is telling me by simply feeling and observing. I close my eyes and take a few minutes to become aware.

As I do so, every thought that suddenly comes up is important („I am thirsty“, „ I need to rest“, „ I want to have fun“). These are intuition, messages, that I am ready to receive and take action upon.

I move my body as it wants to. I feel pain in my shoulders, I lift them, stretch them. I feel cold feet, I touch them, rub them.

When I feel the awareness on my body has awakened, I ask for connection. I consciously tell myself: “I am now connecting with the deep essence of myself. I allow my essence to surface, to be present. I allow my essence to guide me.”

While I am doing this, I pay very close attention to the energetic feelings that arise and I go with them, I breath with them. I simply breath and feel the energy that flows through me. I try to stabilize and balance that energy and stay with it.


Living in the Now

