How not to engage in false power plays

Light on a microcosmos.

The other day I went to a small shop, to buy a few groceries. This shop had since Corona only allowed 5 people in at the same time, so I had the hope they left this rule and thus I did not have to wear a mask (in Switzerland 2 counties have now decided that it is obligatory to wear a mask in a shop that allows more than 10 people in at the same time). I had a suspicion that I might need to wear a mask anyway so I took a silk scarf with me, just in case. Arriving at the door I saw a note that said that they now allow 10 people in. And a man greeted me asking me to wear a mask. I said to him, that the Swiss law only requires masks if 10 or more people are present, which confused him and he just repeated that I need to wear a mask. So I took out my scarf and said, ok, no problem, I brought this. „No no“, he said, „that doesn’t work, you have to wear a mask, I give you one.“. We had a very short discussion that the manager of the shop overheard and approached us. Her energy forceful and angry. Her face and skin all yellow and grey. I noticed her energy and immediately understood what was going on and I knew, this was not my playground. This was nothing I had to engage in. At this point, I had already taken the mask from the man with a „thank you“ and put it on. In fact, the shops don’t have to distribute free masks, it is the customer who has to bring them. So he deserved a thank you for not sending me back home. The woman said something, that was not only directed at me but the customer behind me now as well entering without mask starting a discussion. I just went on to do my shopping.
A few minutes later, the shop manager approached me. Again, that forceful, angry energy, the grey-yellowish look. A bit like from a apocalpyse movie where the monsters approach you. Dead inside. She told me something that I didnt completely understand but she was telling me, that every single customer in this shop has to wear a mask and that it was a decision from the big big boss. I could feel the control and power that she was trying to play out. It didn’t affect me. I stayed completely calm within my energy and just friendly nodded my head and said to her „yes, that’s fine“. She looked puzzled. And again, an attack. She repeated what she said. I looked at her, it felt as if I was an observer behind a magic shield, she just couldn’t reach me. I said ones more, „yes that is fine“, leaving her completely confused. She finally just turned away. And I did my shopping as fast as possible, not able to breath underneath the synthetic mask they gave me. I left the shop I think within 5 minutes.

Why I am sharing this, is not to start a conversation about wearing or not wearing masks. It is about highlighting what is happening on an individual microcosmos level and how we can decide to engage or not engage with the energies that are present at this moment in time.

On a microcosmos level we have millions of people that are currently feeling suppressed by a system, by society, most of the times even on an unconscious level. The connection to their soul is shaded, they just live and function. A person like this, was this shop manager. As a shop manager, she is already in a kind of a position of control, but still underneath the bigger boss and more importantly, she chose to be a slave of this society and her belief systems, leaving her feel powerless. True empowerment comes from the inside and there could be a shop manager in the same position as hers being fully empowered.

That shop manager was definitey not an empowered individual. I felt immediate compassion with her, understanding her souls decision to come to experience powerlessness and power. To live the polarity. What is amazing about these times of acceleratin before the big shift, is, that souls can live several „life times“ in one go. We can go through lessons in the same life. We don’t need one life to experience powerlessness and the next life to experience power. We can do both in one go. Actually we need to. There is a sense of urgency.

Anyways, this woman, with the measurement to „pretend Corona“, now got a false sense of power layed in her hands. And many many people are now experiencing this. It is the same for most police, security, military positions – there is a false sense of power given to those individuals.
Feeling powerless and suppressed before, these people are now taking this power and using it, living it, expericening it with enthusiasm and passion. On a soul level, they totally have the right to experience this and live it out. Feel what it means to be in full power. Just... like I mentioned before, it is a false power. It looks like power, but it isn’t. True empowerment comes from the inside and arises when we wake up to who we truly are. An individual in their full power no longer needs to play out power.

And what do I do, what do we do, that notice the game? That notice what is happening? Well, we need to do just that: notice it. Notice and withdraw. It really is as easy as this. I could have decided to start a conversation. This woman was obviously not the most intelligent, I could have won a rational argument without any problem – but that would have been exactly what fed the game, what nourishes the false power – when I start to engage in it and start to try to overpower it. We only take the false power away by recognizing it as false and leaving it as false. There was no real threat to me from this false power in this moment. There is no need for me to fight false power. It will never win. Remember, at the end of the day we all die. And the only thing that counts is your souls evolution, is the amount of consciousness you gathered in your lifetime on earth. No one cares how many false powergames we won. No one cares, what we fought for. But your soul will take note of how much awareness you gained. Of how much you allowed yourself to experience life fully and learn from your experiences, transcend them, see the polarity, feel the opposite, observe and wake up more and more to who you are and embody the divine on earth. What you are living now, is the preparation for what you are living after. What you lived before, was the grounds of what you are living now. None of this is a punishment by the way, every experience is equally worthy. Just right now, there is like another dimension to what we are living. It is not just about our own souls evolution, it is about the whole planets evolution…

I am writing this for all lightworkers and spiritual beings on this planet as much as everyone else. If you feel and notice the energy at this moment in time, stay out of it as much as you can. Stay in your true vibration. This is more important right now than anything else. The more individuals that manage to sustain a loving vibration, without fear and judgement, the more chances we have to get through this shift together, to rise the consciousness of the earth all together and start the new area with a new consciousness in peace and calm.

If you notice what is happening right now, you don’t need to try „wake up“ everyone else. You can of course if that is what you feel most deeply drawn to. But notice your energy when you do so. Do you feel connected to yourself? Or do you feel anger and frustratio?. If you feel the later, know, that you „trying to wake up the others“ is simply your playground to transcend the anger and frustration you feel. That is your real challenge - to allow the anger and frustration to rise to the surface, feel it, observe it, understand and transform. It is not about „waking up the others“. The waking up happens on an indiviual level and the most influence you can have on other souls, is being yourself fully. Being in your energy, and yes if you feel anger, feel it – but don’t expect other souls to wake up when being near your angry energy. We attract alike and we feed alike. A frustrated energy feeds frustration. Once more, it is totally fine to feel „those negative emotions“. It is totally fine to be human in this moment of time. But we do need to find within ourselves the place that allows us to go into the role of the observer as much as possible. To really understand what is happening and to accelerate our own healing and empowerment and thus to wake up ourselves before we are trying to change the world. The world is changing by every individual that is changing…

Stay with yourself, you are guided and you are not alone. We are all here to go through this shift together and when we’re all dead, there is no regrets. It is just an experience that leads to the next experience. Don’t fear Corona. Don’t fear the government. Don’t fear forced masks and forced vaccinations. Stay out of it as much as possible. Move if needed to. Sign petitions if you feel that helps. Do what is needed but take care of your energy. Keep your vibration as close to your soul as possible.




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