A universe of thoughts and ideas, experiences and love.
When there is war…
But what is the individual’s position and role in a war? We can decide to engage. And the war continues. Or - we can decide to disengage. And there is no more war.Let me explain why.
All that matters in any conflict is relationships. Always.
How not to engage in false power plays
True empowerment comes from the inside and arises when we wake up to who we truly are. An individual in their full power no longer needs to play out power.
(…) But specially as women, we have this natural intuitive built-in tool to nurture someone or something else with all our being, before we take care of ourselves.
How to stop blaming ourselves for past mistakes and powerfully create our life in the now
At every moment in our lives, we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We are creating so much suffering within us, simply by believing, something is wrong in our lives.